Grenada Institute of Professional Engineers
To safeguard the life, health and welfare of the public by ensuring that the practice of engineering is restricted to properly qualified persons.
To advance the status of the engineering profession by the establishment and observance of high ethical standards of conduct.
Civil Engineers
Electrical Engineers
Sanitary Engineers

To advance and protect the interest of professional engineers.
Safety & Wellness
To safeguard the life, health and welfare of the public by ensuring that the practice of engineering is restricted to properly qualified persons.
Ethical Standards
To advance the status of the engineering profession by the establishment and observance of high ethical standards of conduct.
To promote the advancement of the engineering sciences.
To subscribe to, become a member of and co-operate with any other association, whether incorporate of not, whose objects are altogether or in part similar to those of the institute.
To establish and support or aid in the establishment and support of association, institutions, funds, trusts and conveniences calculated to benefit members of the Institute.
To construct, maintain and alter any buildings or works necessary or convenient for the purposes of the Institute.

We serve as a unifying platform for engineers across various disciplines
Our members are dedicated to fostering a culture of excellence, integrity, and responsibility within the engineering community, ensuring that our members adhere to the highest ethical principles